There are no consequences for collisions or even running people down, so it wasn’t too frustrating when it proved difficult to reliably control, even in the forgiving car chase. Similarly, driving is done by gripping and turning an imaginary steering wheel and, like the walking, it’s imprecise but goofy fun to pantomime.

It’s a pretty funny joke, though: you can hold your fists in front of their faces and spin them around each other to hit the bad guy repeatedly like in an old-timey cartoon. However, I soon figured out how easily exploited they are and they became a joke. Fistfights are interesting at first because you have to block and wait for an opening to punch back – it felt as though Rockstar might be onto something for a boxing game. It’s pretty simple shooting gallery stuff, but respectable thanks to some nice touches like reloading shotgun shells one at a time and the ability to steady your aim by grabbing the gun with two hands. LA Noire isn’t much of an action game, but it does include the occasional opportunity to shoot some bad guys. You can even take off your hat - that’s some cool attention to detail. (If Rockstar was trying to make us look as absurd as possible while playing, this is a leap forward in that technology.) It’s imprecise and frustrating to move short distances, but hard not to love otherwise.Īnd, if you look down, you see a virtual body powered by inverse kinematics that does a decent job of guessing where your legs should be based on where your head is. The more innovative – if slightly silly – method of movement is where you hold a button and swing your arms back and forth as though you’re walking to move smoothly. It’s a little disorienting at first to see your character walk out of where you think your body is and toward the objective you’ve chosen (for a while I thought it was my partner suddenly walking through where I was standing) but it’s a good way to get where you’re going quickly. Swinging your arms to walk is goofy, but fun.There are three different ways of moving, including a couple of simple point-and-click warps for those with an aversion to smooth motion. Also, full confession: I found it nearly impossible to resist sticking my fingers up their oblivious noses. While the seven-year-old character models have begun to show their age, coming face to face with these still-impressive facial animations makes them stand out. The biggest difference between this and the recent PS4/Xbox One/Switch versions is that here you can doodle in your notebook while you catch people in their webs of lies. LA Noire’s centerpiece interrogations work pretty much the same way here: using collected clues and cues from the captured performances of actors, you decide when to be good cop, bad cop, or accuse them of lying.