While not nearly as tactical as PVP was due to its 3D plane, now condensed down to its 2D linear combat, it’s a fun romp and the gallery/glossary of the lore is appreciated. Some caution is warranted as the price tag is hefty and the lack of cross-play between PlayStation and PC might shorten the game’s lifespan. DNF Duel not only excels as a fighting game, but it also reinforces the versatility of the entire genre through its adaptation of an established IP into a whole new experience. I would have preferred a more in-depth story mode, but the rest of what the game brings more than makes up for the misstep. Customize, your very own profile and unlock extra content like exclusive wallpapers and sounds on the Gallery. Experience each character’s origin story and background, offering an immersive experience into the world of your favorite classes and characters of Dungeon fighters online.Don’t forget to track your own and enemies’ MP Gauge, and White Damage Gauge to avoid surprises. You will be able to experience unique combat mechanics and strategies that take the fighting game genre to the next level, each character has their own powerful signature moves and strengths, which are further differentiated by their awakening effects.Explore a breathtaking world born from the Dungeon Fighter universe which integrates 17 years’ worth of lore into the game integrated within the storytelling and character development, supported by stunning 2D graphics that merge seamlessly with the world of Arad made with the help of Arc System Works famous for their work on the Guilty Gear and BlazBlue series.Meet your favorite DFO characters flawlessly reinterpreted in the fighting game genre whether it’s the lightning-fast reflexes, and gunshots of the sly ranger or the raw power of the frenzies berserker, each character’s iconic traits from the MMO have been translated and reworked.Practice and extra features mode which contains training mode and tutorial if you want to sharpen your skills, Personal Profile, match replays, Gallery, and Glossary if you want to find out more about the world and its characters. Local Mode contains free battle, story mode, arcade mode, and survival mode.

In the base game, you can access four game modes and features: Online which includes ranked game modes, player matches, and ranking. You will have to Outsmart, outplay, and downright beat up your opponents in order to become the ultimate master of Will. You will be able to choose from sixteen different characters, each with their own abilities, distinct fighting styles, and personalities. Welcome to the world of Arad, play as your favorite characters from the Beloved South Korean MMORPG Dungeon fighters online, a 2D fighting game spin-off called DNF Duels made by Arc System Works, EIGHTING Co., Ltd., and NEOPLE Inc.